The Valley Forge Chorus ("VFC") has been entertaining audiences in the Philadelphia area for almost 60 years with four-part a cappella harmonies and stunning visual performances!  As a competing chorus, we have honorably earned two international gold medals and numerous first place regional medals, including Division A Champions in May 2024!


We combine thrilling harmonies with energetic choreography to create an unforgettable audience experience.  Our repertoire includes barbershop, show tunes, patriotic, and pop music.  We thoroughly enjoy performing within the community and are available to sing at your next upcoming function or event. For more information, please visit our "Hire Us" page.


In addition to sharing our music with others, another great passion of ours is learning more about the art of a cappella singing. Vocal instruction is a regular part of chorus rehearsals and is a very important component of the chorus experience. Throughout the year, we're coached by visiting Master Directors who demonstrate the art of four part harmonizing and fabulous tricks of the trade.


Each spring we participate in the Atlantic Bay-Mountain Region 19 chorus competition. This is a special time for chorus members to come together with other performers to compete and gain valuable feedback from a panel of judges. The winners of the regional competition(s) are invited to represent our region in the Sweet Adelines International Competition, which is held in the fall. Click here to learn more.


Choruses often have members who form vocal quartets in addition to singing with the chorus.

Valley Forge Chorus is a chapter of Sweet Adeline International (SAI). Founded in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1945, Sweet Adelines started as a small group of women who loved to sing. Since then, it has evolved into an organization of nearly 21,000 singers in 525 choruses and over 900 quartets, connecting singers around the world. Sweet Adelines International is a women-centric organization and welcomes all cis and transgender women and nonbinary singers. SAI fosters a culture that provides a joyful place to share our uniqueness within the global community united in song. They’re dedicated to preserving a cappella barbershop harmony, sharing their passion for music and empowering singers in every area of their lives.