Valley Forge Sweet Adelines
Written by Mimi Brown

We treasure the music,
The laughter, the tears
We shared as a part of
Our Valley Forge years
And though there are many,
We want them to know
They’re gone, not forgotten
Their spirits still flow.


In Memory Of
         Betty Ashmore           
Millie Auferoth
Grace Bartley
Ida Bilodeau 
Mimi Brown
Connie Bosna
Millie Cade
Barbara Carroll
Norma Cutler
Trudy D'Ambrosio

Marion Daniels
R​​​uth Denzler

Gloria Dysinger
Vi Early
Diana Evans
Judy Fahnestock

Donna Falcone
Mary Ellen Florence
Esther Hannevig
Rebecca Hardee
Mildred Heinz
Anita Hefty
Kay Hershock
Maureen Holcombe
Alice “AJ” Johnson
Phyllis Lang
Anne Littlewood
Kay Loftus
Jane Macera   
Floss Manton
Delores Maloney
Carol Martin
Pat McClaren
Jennifer Newman
Rose Oulouhojian
Janet Packard
Dottie Paschall
Fran Paschall
Gail Pearce
Harriett Portelli
Sandi Purcell
Gretchen Richards
Mary Roush
Marilynn Ryan
Jean Sayler
Bette Sheets
Barbara Shenkle
Stelle Sikora
Shirley Smith
Pat Terribile
Deanna "Dee" Tropea
Cherrill Weigel
Ruth Weiler
Ann Ziegler