Sweet Adeline of the Year

Each Chorus Calendar Year the membership of Valley Forge Chorus elects a member for the honor of Sweet Adeline of the Year.  Nominees must meet the following qualification:
  •  Is and has been a member of the Valley Forge Chorus for at least one year
  •  Is an outstanding participant in Sweet Adeline activities
  •  Is dependable and accomplishes in any job assigned without thought of personal recognition or prestige
  •  Has promoted chapter harmony by being friendly and helpful to its members and to newcomers
  •  Shows a willingness to cooperate and use her capabilities where needed in any phase of Sweet Adeline activities
  •  Upholds our organization and its ideas
  •  Her name should be synonymous with "Sweet Adeline"

Sarah Sirajuddin

Sweet Adeline of The Year 2024


Awarded to Sarah Sirajuddin

This year's honoree brings big dreams, a shining personality, and dazzling determination to Valley Forge Chorus! She is an extremely talented musician, and a dedicated friend to all her chorus-mates. She is always willing to lend a hand, and is a role model on the risers. She completes every task with enthusiasm and joy. Her laughter is infectious, and she has been descirbed as a "human ray of sunshine".

She does an incredible amount of work for the chorus behind the scenes, always giving her all to support our well-being. She regularly leads the chorus in warm-ups that have been described as "VERY FUN". She lends her talents not only to the chorus, serving in roles on the Communications Committee, Host Chorus Committee, and the Physical Warm Up Team, but also to the region. 

She contributed countless hours as the Communications Committee Chair with no complaints, often handling the workload of multiple peoeple. She hasled her team to create fabulous social media campaigns, which helped to bring in more members. She has worked tirelessly and professionally to guide the chorus through a rebranding effort, as well as the designing of the regional convention logo. Her work happens behind the scenes, but the results can be seen by far more than just members of the chorus!

Emilie Doyle

Sweet Adeline Of The Year 2023


Awarded to Emilie Doyle

This year's honoree is someone who has unassumingly taken on many new roles when we found ourselves having several vacancies, stepping up at every opportunity. She does not call attention to her own accomplishents, but her hard work and dedication to this chorus is easy for all of us to see. She puts her entire self, heart, and soul into the chorus's life. She is involved in so many behind the scenes projects that it takes time to appreciate the entire scope of what she is involved in. As a member of the Communications Team, Membership Team, Grant Chair, and Board Member she has contributed greatly to the chorus. Despite being busy with all of these roles, she still takes the time to be a caring friend to each and every member and guest. She represents the life and spirit of the chorus.

Nikki Burkhardt

Sweet Adeline of The Year 2022


Awarded to Nikki Burkhardt

Nikki’s honest, friendly, and considerate character make her a natural leader, and she is well-known in our community for lending a hand to tackle any challenge that comes her way. She brings a considered and thoughtful approach to leadership, but equally a willingness to learn. She takes the time to listen and make sure everyone’s voices are heard, and her responses are always thoughtful and inclusive. Yet when it is time to take the initiative, she does so with determination. She always looks for the very best side of each person with whom she interacts, and encourages others to do the same.

She is a tireless advocate for our Chorus. Whether working with internal or external groups, she looks to find the ideal outcome for all involved and truly exemplifies the core values of our Chorus. Nikki shares a broad array of talents with our organization, including as a musical  leader, a chapter president, and a Region 19 management team member, among many other  roles. She is called to take on these roles for the love of the organization and the music, and with no thoughts of personal prestige–but her work is certainly deserving of resounding recognition!

Ashley Hazen

Sweet Adeline of The Year 2021


Awarded to Ashley Hazen

Ashley Hazen in recognition of her outstanding work and dedication to the Valley Forge Chorus.   Ashley's consistent willingness to serve the needs of the chorus, her ever present Valley Forge pride, and her seemingly effortless ability to exceed expectations in various leadership positions, are an inspiration and example to us all.  

Debbie Kirsch

Sweet Adeline Of The Year 2020


Awarded to Debbie Kirsch

Debbie Kirsch has gone above and beyond keeping our chorus focused musically and was instrumental with maintaining our musical excellence over this past year.  When we were without a Director she was an integral part of keeping the chorus moving forward by directing our weekly rehearsals, directing our community performances, and by attending committee meetings to help shape the goals and direction of our group.  She has never once looked for public recognition or accolades for all that she has done yet we think it’s time for us to publicly recognize her for her tireless dedication to our organization.  Congratulations Deb!  

Annamarie Filippone

Sweet Adeline Of The Year 2019


Awarded to Annamarie Filippone

Annamarie Filippone has been described by her peers as fearless and the very definition of grace under pressure.  Her leadership style is one of quiet strength and she has used her considerable skills in this regard to help navigate our chorus through a very challenging time.  She has overcome all obstacles and hurdles with calm compassion and always with the best interest of VFC at the forefront of her mind and with maturity beyond her years.  She has a captivating smile and beautiful voice can be seen and heard on VFC's fabulous front row.

Congratulations to Annamarie for being honored as our 2019 Sweet Adeline of the Year.


Anita McLarin

Sweet Adeline Of The Year 2018


Awarded to Anita McLarin

2018 Sweet Adeline Of The Year recipient

Janet Klik

Sweet Adeline Of The Year 2017


Awarded to Janet Klik

2017 Sweet Adeline Of The Year recipient

Darexa Cosnett

Sweet Adeline Of The Year 2016


Awarded to Darexa Cosnett

Darexa Cosnett was our 2016 Sweet Adeline Of The Year recipient

Anne Winner

Sweet Adeline Of The Year 2015


Awarded to Anne Winner

2015 Sweet Adeline Of The Year recipient

Debbie Kirsch

Sweet Adeline Of The Year 2014


Awarded to Debbie Kirsch

2014 Sweet Adeline Of The Year recipient

Heather Hamje

Sweet Adeline of The Year 2013


Awarded to Heather Hamje

2013 Sweet Adeline Of The Year recipient

Deanna Tropea

Sweet Adeline of The Year 2012


Awarded to Deanna Tropea

2102 Sweet Adeline of the Year Award Recepient

Kat Britt

Sweet Adeline of The Year 2011


Awarded to Kat Britt

2011 Sweet Adeline of the Year Recepient

Susan Tucker

Sweet Adeline of The Year 2009


Awarded to Susan Tucker

2009 Sweet Adeline of the Year Recepient

Lou Leipold

Sweet Adeline of The Year 2008


Awarded to Lou Leipold

2008 Sweet Adeline of the Year Recepient

Donna Dougherty

Sweet Adeline of The Year 2005


Awarded to Donna Dougherty

2005 Sweet Adeline of the Year Recepient

Paula Kielich

Sweet Adeline of The Year 2002


Awarded to Paula Kielich

2002 Sweet Adeline of the Year Recepient

Denise Howsare

Sweet Adeline of The Year 2000


Awarded to Denise Howsare

2000 Sweet Adeline of the Year Recepient

Sweet Adeline of The Year 1998


Awarded to Charlene Clarke

1998 Sweet Adeline of the Year Recepient

Sweet Adeline of The Year 1997


Awarded to Gail Allebach

1997 Sweet Adeline of the Year Recepient

Sweet Adeline of The Year 1990


Awarded to Marion Daniels

1990 Sweet Adeline of the Year Recepient

Sweet Adeline of The Year 1989


Awarded to Maureen Holcombe

1989 Sweet Adeline of the Year Recepient

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